Saturday, September 10, 2011

Allow me the peace of mind to immerse myself in the joy of serving Him.
Allow me to accept his decisions and judgement with Grace
Allow me the courage to reveal myself completely to Him.
Allow me the tenderness to comfort Him
Allow me the wisdom to be an asset to Him.
Allow me the desire to please Him, beyond myself.
Let me accept my punishment with wisdom
Let me remember that He is here to protect me
Let me show Him each day my love of my service to Him.
Let me open myself up to give Him every part of me.
Let my eyes show Him the same respect, whether I sit at His side,
or kneel at His feet.
Permit me to love myself, as He loves me
For it is my greatest wish, to bring Him
all of the happiness and completeness He has brought to my life.

This was personalized from the Kajira's creed